It’s getting harder and harder to get on the property ladder, and that means for many people today the time between leaving home and owning your first home can be quite large with many rentals along the way. But owning your very own first home is a liberating experience and a landmark event in your life. All that’s left to do is make it as beautiful as possible but it can be overwhelming and we have some top tips for your first home.

Try not to worry, the trick is to have a plan, and be methodical and then you can turn your shell of a house into a welcoming home that will serve you for many years.

With this in mind, we’ve put together our 5 Top Tips for your first home.

Get Rid of the Clutter

One of the best tips for your first home is to have a clearout. Chances are you’re hoarding years of clutter that you’ve dragged from rented home to rented home, including many housewarming presents and gifts you possibly don’t really use. Now is the time for a fresh start and a clean slate, so clear out the clutter, do a boot sale, download a few selling apps and get rid of all the clutter, saving the pennies you make to do something new for the new home.

Decide what you like

It sounds obvious doesn’t it? Do what you want to do, but it isn’t always that simple. There’s a good chance you’ve lived in a lot of places where you’ve had to work around current fixtures, fittings and styles, but those days are well and truly over! Now it’s time to decide exactly what you like, and what you can live with for years to give you a base for your thinking when it comes to decorating and renovating your new home.

One thing at a time

Another one of the important tips for your first home is to do one thing at at a time. Buying your first home can be daunting, and if you want to improve every roo it’s hard to know where to start! You shouldn’t rush into anything, we’d recommend at least twelve weeks in your new home before you even have a single thought. By then you’ll have an idea how you naturally use your house, and that’ll give you a better idea on what renovations you want to do. When you start, write up a plan, and do it one room at a time!

It doesn’t all need to match!

Furniture outlets and retail stores make entire ranges to match, but this is because it’s more profitable to sell a set than a single item. Be brave, be eclectic, and be realistic! When furnishing your home through you can go for different styles in different rooms, you can even mash styles in a single room. Most importantly, remember what your home looks like, things can look a lot different in a large showroom than in your 18 x 18 living room!

Hire a Pro

It goes without saying but for the best effect, the best result, and the best out of your new home, hire a pro for jobs big and small! If you want any help and advice, pick up the phone, contact us and talk to our team and see how we can help you realise your dream home!

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